Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Preparation for Franco-Prussian war scenario "Battle of Worth"

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14-6-2009 06
Hi! everyone, it's been a long time since I have put fingers to the key board. My time as been spent painting Franco-Prussian War Foundry figures and preparing the terraine for the up and coming scenario, the Prussian left flank attack against the the French position on a ridge out side the town of Worth. I have not included the river that actually runs through Woth, as I have yet to see if I have enough river segments to run the full length of the table. If I dont, I shall not worry, as it did not seem to impead the Prussian attack.
The game will take place this coming Saturday, 27/06/09. I will give a brief outline of the actual battle on the weekend, so stay "tuned". The 2 photos represent the town of Worth, I have placed a factory on the outskirts of the Town, just to give an Industrial effect. The Model is a office and engine shed model kit, the chiminy stack is an off cut of PVC Piping (those off cuts, do come in handy). The Town itself was in the centre of the Prussian Line. Note the Prussian Gun Limber, passing though the Town. The model is from the Foundry Figures Franco-Prussian War Range. This company produce figures of a very high quality.
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A little way down the road is a farm house with a smal wood along side. I bought the Farm House from BattleLine Scenic. The Rep is based at the Class House Mountains here in Queensland and Yes! He does have a "Web Sight".

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Two shoots of Niederwald. this Forest was occupied by French Chasseurs at the sart of the battle, but they were pushed out by the Prussians. Niederwald was on the extreme left flank of the Prussian line and on the right flank of the French.
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A view of the ridge looking from the road. The French actually took up postion on this ridge
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Another view of the Town. "Command Pique" will be the Rule set that we will be using on the day. To save time, my friends have asked me to roll up each armies characteristics
I shall bring this brief narrative to a close so until the the next chapter, heres to Freindly Gaming.

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